Many enter the process serving area from a previous career in law enforcement, finance or credit management, however, there is no one ideal background to guarantee success as a process server. You might come from a variety of careers including hospitality, a trade, administration, finance, industry, retail, sales or security.
The work of a process server involves attending various addresses including residences, businesses and work places to deliver court documents including subpoenas, divorce papers, writs, statements of claim and other notices in strict accordance with the varying rules for the different court jurisdictions in each state and territory. The work at times can be difficult in that some persons seek to evade receipt of documents and so the process server must be focused in ensuring the correct person is identified and does not evade service.
Typically, a competent and successful process server will possess:
A common question is whether a process server when undertaking field work as a collector eg conducting a field call requires an Australian Credit Licence issued pursuant to the National Consumer Credit Protection Act, 2009 - a permanent exemption for collectors from that licensing was issued by a regulatory change in June 2010, whereas those engaged in debt purchasing must hold an Australian Credit Licence.
Need more information? Select your State/Territory from this list.